
Pla(i)n VET is an Erasmus+ funded “Strategic Partnership for Cooperation” project within the field of Vocational Education and training. The project aims to support young learners with special needs in the transition period between school and labour market entry. To obtain a successful bridging of this gap, the learners are empowered and given a voice within Vocational Education and training to decide their own path for allowing professional self-realization. By creating adequate and comprehensive material in Plain Language, a contribution to a more inclusive VET system is made. In the long term, the disadvantaged target group will be considered on the primary labour market, rendering the latter more inclusive.
Pla(i)n VET
Current status:
After a successful online meeting at the start of the project on 01.02.2022, the project consortium was able to meet in Brussels on 03.05.2022 for the first Transnational Partner Meeting.
The Brussels location enabled the consortium to introduce Pla(i)nVET to the Styria Office on EU level, where the meeting took place. In addition to administrative tasks, the partners exchanged information about the training systems and the significance of plain language in their respective countries and identified further potential stakeholders. The project consortium is now starting to work on the content of the first project deliverable, an e-tool with information and materials in plain language to support young learners with disabilities in the transition between school and VET. The e-tool will include information on possible training pathways and application processes, as well as empowering learners in reflecting on their potential and skills.
The second physical and hybrid project meeting took place in Bilbao (Spain) on 24.01.2023. The partners from Cyprus were digitally connected. We reflected together on the previous steps for the assessment tool and discussed the layout. Furthermore, we agreed on the training course in May 2023 and brainstormed how we will implement a video series together as the second project result.
Koordinator/Coordinator: KulturLife gGmbH, Germany
InterAktion - Verein für ein interkulturelles Zusammenleben, Austria
Project Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000032996
Project Duration: 01.02.2022 – 31.05.2024
“Let's realise inclusion together.”
PlainVET #inclusiveworkplace
PlainVET #inclusiveworkplace

See how #Workplace #Inclusion works in real life: SeeLoge in Germany - #PlainVET Project (1/11)

See how a #Workplace #Inclusion works in real life: EAA in Germany - #PlainVET Project (2/11)

See how #Workplace #Inclusion works in real life: Nahiarte in Spain - #PlainVET Project (3/11)

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