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InterAktion is a non-profit association active in the field of human rights, sustainability, integration of the young people from migrant families and refugees, aiming to encourage intercultural dialogues between the people from different backgrounds and cultures through non-formal educational methods.


We have been organizing Erasmus + youth exchanges in Trofaiach since 2016 to encourage young people to become active and responsible citizens. We focus on raising awareness among the young people about the global challenges and sustainable systems and help them understand sustainability as the product of a complex system, that starts with personal and collective attitudes. We support our participants to recognize and understand the interconnected relationships between the economy, society and the environment and the effects that actions in one area have on the other in order for them to be able to recognize and define their own options and choices in contributing and creating more sustainable societies.


Since 2016, with the Erasmus + funding and support of the Municipality of Trofaiach, we have been able to implement several international projects. Through these projects, more than 800 young people from all over Europe have visited Trofaiach and discovered wonderful Styria. As a project partner, we were also able to send young Austrians to various youth projects to Spain, Lithuania, Turkey, Germany, North Macedonia and Greece.


The Austrian National Agency for Erasmus+ acknowledged many projects by InterAktion as "good practice examples". The Austrian Youth Prize, which is awarded to outstanding projects and initiatives in youth work in Austria, honored our project "Non-formal education in the integration of unaccompanied minor refugees" in the category "Erasmus +: Youth in Action" 2017. The state of Styria has awarded our project manager Katja Lenič Šalamun with the "Milenstein 2018" - an award for volunteer work in child and youth work.

None of our achievements would be possible without our wonderful participants, outstanding volunteers and supportive partners. We thank you for the excellent cooperation and look forward to new exciting projects together!





Matin Sajjadi


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