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Step-by-Step Action for Active Inclusion of Marginalized Group of People

Social exclusion refers to processes that prevent individuals, groups, or communities from accessing the rights, opportunities, and resources that are normally available to members of society. Responsible for social exclusion is often structural forces, such as laws, public policies, institutional practices, organizational behaviors, and prevailing ideologies, values, and beliefs. The list of marginalized groups of people of social exclusion can be extended almost ad infinitude and it includes young and adults with disabilities, ethnic, sexual, and religious minorities, homeless, youth, young offenders, refugees, migrants, etc. The EU sees social inclusion as a process that ensures that those at risk of poverty and social exclusion gain the opportunities and resources necessary to participate fully in the economic, social, and cultural life and to enjoy a standard of living and well-being that is considered normal in the society in which they live. The Step by Step project is bringing together institutions from different European regions, which are working with a marginalized group of people (young and adults with different types of disability, refugees, migrants, and ethnic groups). The aim is to improve active inclusion by providing the target group with opportunities to create art (theater, photo, film, literature, dance, painting, music etc.), whereas the local community is included in the process.


Coordinator: Association Humanost, North Macedonia
InterAktion - Verein für ein interkulturelles Zusammenleben
Eco Logic, North Macedonia
SERGED-Serik Youth Education, Culture, Environment and Sport Association, Turkey

Project Nr. 2020-1-MK01-KA204-077815
Project Duration: 30. 12. 2020 – 29.12.2021

Kick-off-Partner meeting and Sewing workshop

Skopje, Nord-Macedonia

25-26. August 2021

2nd Partner meeting and Storytelling workshop

Thessaloniki, Greece

18-19. November 2021

3rd Partner meeting and Visual Storytelling workshop

Graz, Austria

20-21. February 2022

Last Partner meeting and Ebru-painting workshop

Antalya, Turkey

25-26. M 2022

 Meeting Point



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