During the WOWSA project, all family members should develop the necessary skills for the constantly changing and growing digital world.
With the development of technology in our everyday life, it is necessary to respond to our hyper-connected society. WOWSA is dedicated to the topic in the hope of enabling people in today's digital world to make competent decisions based on important information.
The WOWSA project offers us an insight into the support of parents as teachers of children and other family members. Through training sessions, thematic comics, explanatory videos, puzzles and audio books, all family members are brought closer to the do's and don'ts of the World Wide Web!
WOWSA wants to promote safe use of the Internet for children, young people, parents and seniors so that everyone in the family can learn together.
Over the course of the WOWSA project, the participating organizations will develop various educational resources suitable for all ages within families to help them navigate the benefits and pitfalls of the Internet. We want to eliminate the “digital divide” or separation that can occur within modern family associations. To bridge this gap, WOWSA aims to empower family members in their digital skills that focus on how people interpret, apply, and connect online information and content so that they can form objective and informed opinions.
WOWSA consists of a package of different learning materials - all of which are developed to support family learning. First, WOWSA offers an introductory training program to support parents in their home teaching role. This program includes a series of workshops that provide basic information to help parents participate in their children's digital lives and to support older family members in developing their digital skills. The second part of the WOWSA materials aims to help parents overcome the existing “digital family divide”. This includes six modules that deal with digital skills, media skills and social media skills. These training programs are intended to enable parents to improve their own knowledge of the digital world and to support them in passing on the digital tools from the family learning toolkit. This toolkit provides age-appropriate learning materials that family members can study and learn from. It includes themed comics for children ages 8-12, interactive digital magazines for teens and young adults ages 13-20, and audio books for older learners. This is intended to provide effective access to learning to support all family members in developing their digital and media skills.
WOWSA also offers an in-service training program to ensure that the adult teachers' digital skills are sufficiently strengthened to enable them to use the resources developed in the project. The program aims to introduce adult teachers to new ways of working with online environments. During the WOWSA project, parents and adult teachers can be trained in introductory trainings and workshops. The modules in these programs are designed to provide tailor-made support training on critical issues relating to digital and media skills. Towards the end of the project, we will bring participating families together so that they can share their experiences and encourage other families to train together on digital and media skills. At these events - WOWSA Family Learning Symposia - we will present the full range of learning materials developed and discuss key issues such as online safety and wellbeing to help families address this issue as a family unit.
CSI - Center for Social Innovation LTD, Cyprus
DRPDNM - (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto), Slovenia
REINTEGRA - Czech Republic
Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion - France
The Rural Hub - Ireland
Proportional Message Associação - Portugal
Project number: 2020-1-AT01-KA204-077958
Project duration: 09/01/2020 - 08/30/2022
Project website:

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