The Health Without Borders project aims to improve the health literacy of young refugees, migrants and marginalized adolescents from an inclusive learning perspective while promoting a range of socio-educational innovative approaches for youth workers at the forefront, to sensitize young refugees and migrants to the importance of health literacy in their daily life.
Health and education are closely related and influence other parameters such as poverty and income levels. It is well known that education has the power not only to increase wealth, but it also has a tremendous impact on health outcomes. Despite the immense benefits, research indicates that more than a third of the EU population has difficulty finding, understanding, assessing and using information to manage their health. Health literacy must also have a significant influence during the current Covid-19 pandemic in order to combat the faster spread of the virus. Especially the new wave of refugees in Europe, live in very poor sanitary conditions and the difficult access to education and low health literacy make this group extremely vulnerable to the pandemic.
Health literacy is a powerful strategy to contribute to the improvement of the well-being of the population, to promote social engagement in the health sector and to make people more autonomous and responsible. For this reason, the project aims to improve the health literacy of young refugees, migrants and marginalized youths and to promote a range of socio-educational innovative approaches for youth workers. In order to achieve the goals of the project, an innovative, user-friendly resource toolkit for health literacy as well as a front-line training program and a user-friendly online portal are being developed.
Rightchallenge - Associação, Portugal
KULTURLIFE - non-profit organization for intercultural exchange, Germany
Project number: KA205-26B470C6
Project duration: 09/01/2020 - 08/31/2020
Digital Health Literacy and Social Media through Multilingualism
Digital Health Literacy and Social Media through Multilingualism
Digital Health Literacy and Social Media through Multilingualism
Health Communication in Health Care Services through Cultural Awareness Comic
Health Communication in Health Care Services through Cultural Awareness Infographic
Read here the third Newsletter!
Read here the forth Newsletter!

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